Dental Distress Syndrome was identified by Dr. A.C. Fonder. Through his research, Fonder discovered that “excessive dental distress routinely coexists with a pattern of chronic symptoms that are found throughout all systems of the body”. Fonder found that when there is dental dysfunction, the ill-effects can be seen throughout many distant and seemingly unrelated areas of the body. He called these ill effects the Dental Distress Syndrome.
Some examples of Dental Distress Syndrome are:
- TMJ and poor mouth, teeth and gum health
- Ear problems such as infection or hearing loss
- Head and neck pain
- Respiratory issues such as post-nasal drip or asthma
- Eye and vision problems
- Skin and hair problems (acne, rashes, dry skin, hair loss)
- Visceral symptoms such as excessive gas, kidney issues and bed wetting
- Gynecological problems such as PMS, miscarriage, cramps, etc.
- Energy loss, back aches, cold hands and feet, numbness
- Mental symptoms such as depression, irritation, worry, memory loss
However, Dr. Fonder determined that these problems can disappear entirely when the dental dysfunction is eliminated. Changes begin to happen immediately upon physiologically balancing molar support, which is the goal of the Balance Protocol.
It is believed that Dental Distress Syndrome is the dominant stressor of the body. When dental distress is relieved and circulation is improved through better posture and alignment, the body can do its work of circulating nutrients, cleansing lymph, increasing blood flow, improving nerve transmission and immunity. With the Balance Protocol Session, blood flow to the head, hands, and feet increases and numerous problems can normalize quickly.
– Addressing the Symptoms of Dental Distress Syndrome? – An interview with Dr. Larry Lytle, author of Healing Light (1:01:45)